The Perrin Technique

at The Village Osteopaths

Welcome to The Village Osteopath’s dedicated section on:

The Perrin Technique

You are in safe hands with us.


Patients have been coming to The Village Osteopaths for The Perrin Technique since 2013. Our wealth of experience in The Perrin Technique stretches back to 2005 and we continue to guide patients back to health each day in clinic.

We appreciate this may have been a long journey for you. We hope this section on The Perrin Technique will inform and guide you before you make the next step in scheduling your consultation.

Please take your time reading all the information on this site and we are always on hand to answer any questions you may have.

backed by science | practiced with results

Backed By Science

The Perrin Technique is grounded in research and science. It has undertaken numerous research trials and academic papers whilst helping thousands of patients since 1989.

Licensed Clinic

Our experience goes back to 2005 and our team uses The Perrin Technique on a daily basis, helping a great number of patients since opening our doors in 2013.

Practiced Results

Patients from different backgrounds, walks of life and severity of illness have found The Perrin Technique to be life-changing and some of our patients have shared their stories.

“I just wish I had found The Perrin Technique sooner... it just makes sense”

The Science

Dr Perrin’s research aligns with contemporary scientific thinking that a breakdown in the body causes the long list of symptoms patients experience .

The Theory

The Perrin Technique was initially developed for ME/CFS but over the years has progressed to help patients experiencing symptoms caused by ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid.

The Symptoms

ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid have lots of symptoms which are common in each patient we see coming in for The Perrin Technique.

“From feeling exhausted all the time I now can live my life to the full! Thank you so much!”


Our Principal Osteopath Collette Bourke worked alongside Dr Perrin for 15 years and uses her extensive experience to give patients answers and a plan of action for treatment.


Once a diagnosis has been made under The Perrin Technique protocol, either by us or another practitioner, treatment is carried out by Collette or her team of associates.

Defined Treatment

The Perrin Technique follows a general outline from diagnosis to maintenance but each patient’s treatment plan is unique because no-one’s health or experiences are the same.

“ I 100% trust Collette and her team over and above all of the doctors and other medical professionals I have seen over the years, many of whom lack the knowledge or are simply not up-to-date on the latest research”


Our prices reflects the experience, expertise and extra mile our osteopaths go to in providing a detailed diagnosis and personalised treatment for you to help your recovery.

Dedicated Team

Meet our dedicated team who use The Perrin Technique every day in clinic. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience - rest assured, you are in safe hands with us.


We want to provide you with as much information as possible and our FAQ section should help, as these are the questions patients most ask. If your question isn’t here, just call us!

Our Clinic

The Village Osteopaths

379 Stockport Road, Timperley, Cheshire, WA15 7UR


Monday, Friday, Saturday: 9am-5pm

Tuesday -Thursday: 9am-7pm


We’re ready when you are.