Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the causes of ME/CFS and FMS?

    In short, a number of different stresses on the body cause a predisposition to sub-optimal lymphatic drainage with, in most cases, a viral illness triggering the development of myalgic encephalomyelitis, / chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrome. There are many factors to consider, which Dr Perrin delves more into in his book and we have a section on this website trying to shed some light on the causes.

  • What is Long-Covid?

    Long-Covid is the post viral fatigue condition experienced by people who have had Covid-19. It’s similarities to ME/CFS and FMS lie in a post viral trigger. Historically glandular fever or Lyme disease, but now Covid-19 and its various mutations has seen this post-viral syndrome beome more widespread. Dr Perrin and his associates hypthesised the prevalence of a post-viral syndrome following Covid-19 back in June 2020 in an open letter.

  • How is Long-Covid treated?

    We provide The Perrin Technique treatment for Long-Covid. The treatment plan generally is quicker because patients book in quicker than patients, say with ME/CFS, who have had symptoms for years before finding out about the treatment. Many patients see successful results within 12 weeks whereas other patients need a longer course of treatment.

  • Why might I feel worse before I get better?

    The Perrin Technique is designed to breakdown and help remove the build-up of toxins in the body. This means the manual therapy encourages toxins to move through the lymphatic system before it enters the bloodstream and they are processed in the liver. This means more toxins are present in a patient’s system and the body is working harder to process the toxins. It is a strain on the body and can lead to exacerbated symptoms.

  • Is it good to feel worse in the beginning?

    Yes! First of all, not all patients feel worse so it’s not a sure fire indicator, but the theory of toxicity being moved throughout the lymphatics and processed by the body, logically, will have an impact. So, feeling worse is a good sign the body is reacting to the treatment in a positive way. If you don’t experience exaceberated or new symptoms - do not worry! Your osteopath will be continually assessing your physical symptoms and will notice if anything is amiss.

  • Can I bring a family member or friend?

    Absolutely! We encourage patients to come with a chaperone for the consultation appointment just so they are there to help absorb information and ask any questions. Some patients need help travelling to appointments and family or friends are more than welcome to come into the appointments.

  • Can I continue to work alongside treatment?

    The answer really depends on your diagnosis and personal circumstances. In an ideal world patients would concentrate on treatment so they have the time and space to concentrate on their recovery. In the real world we appreciate this is not possible.Whilst some patients can juggle work and treatment others need additional support and we can help inform your employer of your circumstances to see if reduced duties or time off can be arranged.

  • I can't afford treatment.

    Unfortunately The Perrin Technique is not an NHS treatment. Some insurances might help cover the cost of the treatment but it is best to contact the clinic for advice on this. If you are struggling and may be seeking income support we can provide additional documentation to help support your application - but only after the Consultation appointment.

  • What is the half-rule?

    This is essentially pacing - something The Perrin Technique has advocated since the 1980s to avoid the common ‘boom or bust’ cycle patients experience. Pacing is a method of reducing a patient’s activity and the half-rule is designed to help with this. If you feel you can only walk a mile maybe only walk half a mile to ensure no ill aftereffects. Whether its conversations, watching television, it applies to any activity where you could over exert yourself, making you feel worse with increased symptoms.

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